Corfiot Bergamot

A fruit with countless properties and active ingredients. It is also called “green gold”, which according to the tradition was imported by Christopher Columbus, and it is a hybrid of lime and bitter orange. These two citron species exist in the region of Corfu expanding from the region of Ano Garouna, Iliastros estate, location in which the renowned Corfiot Bergamot is cultivated.

Corfiot Bergamot is a variety of Citrus bergamia.It has irregular, spreading branches with spines. Its sprouts have a slight green color.

The leaves are green, lanceolate without auricles (minimum trace of auricles).

The leaves are green, lanceolate without auricles (minimum trace of auricles). Bergamot flowers are bisexual, pure white.

Fruits are grown in groups with green color which turns into yellow on ripeness.

Ripeness is achieved in about eight months after the bloom. The main harvesting period (Spring Bloom) is December-January.

The fruits of Corfiot Bergamot have protuberant style with tolerant pedicels. The flesh (endocarp) is quite small regarding the total size of the fruit.

The size of fruit varies depending on the environmental conditions.

The fruits have a diameter of 15-16 centimeters and weight 1,5-1,6 kilos.Due to the difficulties of its cultivation and also the great fruit productivity, this plant is not very popular.

Due to the difficulties of its cultivation and also the great fruit productivity, this plant is not very popular. It is found in the region of Ano Garounas in Iliastros estate, , and in the region of Agios Georgios Pagon.

It is used in sweets and liqueurs, as a fragrant of tea and cosmetics. Its essential oil has a slighter scent and it contrasts the intense scents and enhances the light scents. Bergamot essential oil is the component of many products such as fragrances, cosmetic creams and tanning oils.

Bergamot Properties

As far as natural treatments of cardiovascular diseases as well as metabolic syndrome are concerned, bergamot is found to be one of the most recent and effective products until today.

Use in Nutrition

The zest of bergamot and the oil contained in it is used in beverage industry, for the production of the excellent and unique Dennis Liqueur with Corfiot Bergamot.

The flesh of Corfiot Bergamot is not edible, it is used for its bitterness and appetizing properties in juices, but it is also used to make candied bergamot, jellies with bergamot and dried bergamot as well as the traditional Dennis Bergamot Marmelade.

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